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AVIEAS offers end-to-end supply chain management Services for various clients globally. The services include contracts and purchase, inspection, expediting, transportation as well as supplier/contractor enlistment. We have vast expertise in global procurement through excellent manpower, procedures, rules and policies ably supported by an extensive data base with vast information on global suppliers and contractors from all over world.

Supply Chain Management

Public Procurement has three vital components, i.e., transparency, equity and fairness. Public Procurement of AVIEAS is intended to procure works, material and services of the specified quality within the specified time at the most competitive price in a fair, just and transparent manner.

We adopt latest IT tools/technologies for enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of its procurement processes. Over the years, all procurement functions have been IT enabled- from the receipt of an indent up to Inspection, Dispatch and transportation of the equipment. In addition, we have an integrated in-house ERP and EDMS application linking all procurement functions across various geographical locations.

We also provide specialized inspection and expediting services. Our inspection services aim at ensuring timely supply of material and equipment of the specified quality and meeting specification requirements for various projects of our clients.

We have a data bank of over 300 vendors and over 130 contractors in various construction categories. Performance of suppliers and contractors are reviewed periodically (“supplier/ contractor registration“).

AVIEAS provides services for custom clearance and transportation planning and control of equipment to be dispatched to various project sites. The services include arranging shipment of equipment /materials, contract registration with customs, assessment of custom duty and clearance, insurance and transportation to site. Route surveys are conducted for movement of over dimensional consignments and decisions for route with least obstacles are taken accordingly. AVIEAS has been playing a major role in development of Indian Industry. Under the Government of India’s “Make In India” drive, several steps have been taken to increase local industry participation and provide encouragement to overseas industry towards setting up plants in India.

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