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AVIEAS provides Cathodic Protection Solutions of diversified nature across lengths and breadths of the country encompassing thousands of kilometres of cross-country pipeline, tank bottoms, buried vessels, plants, jetties and other off shore structures.

At AVIEAS we have managed to reach the topmost position of being India’s proven and the most trusted leading consultant in the Cathodic Protection field providing Sacrificial & ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) solutions involving activities.  Cathodic protection systems prevent corrosion of pipelines, above ground storage tank bottoms, plant piping and many other buried or submerged steel metallic structures.

A major concern for operators of these assets is extending their service life. Since corrosion is a leading cause of premature failure, installing and regularly testing cathodic protection systems is a popular solution.

A wide range of civil and industrial applications use cathodic protection systems for many years of corrosion protection. Installation typically occurs during original construction, major expansions, or upgrades.

Types of Cathodic Protection System

Galvanic Cathodic Protection

A galvanic system utilizes anodes connected to a protected structure in a circuit. Furthermore, galvanic anodes use the natural voltage differential, or potential, between the anode (more negative) and the structure (less negative) to drive current off the anode and to the structure.

When properly applied and with limitations, galvanic anodes (also called sacrificial anodes) can protect underground steel, marine, internal, and industrial structures from corrosion. Galvanic CP systems do not require an outside power source to operate. In addition, these anodes can be both long-lasting and easy to operate.

Galvanic anodes are available with a variety of features, including:

  • Bare metal anodes like magnesium, zinc, aluminium, and other alloys

  • Backfill packaging for underground use

  • External steel straps for mounting to structures

  • Multiple ribbon types

  • Rod and special shapes

However, the potential difference between the galvanic anode and the steel structure is not enough for protection to occur.

Impressed Current Cathodic Protection

When galvanic cathodic protection is insufficient, the solution calls for an external power supply, or cathodic protection rectifier. Impressed current systems utilize a rectifier to generate larger potential differences that drive current -off; of the anode so it flows to the protected structure.

The benefits of these powered, impressed current cathodic protection systems (ICCP) include:

  • Longer lasting anodes

  • Higher current systems

  • Greater system control

  • Easy monitoring

Application of Cathodic Protection System

  • Above ground storage tanks

  • Buried gas pipelines

  • Plant piping

  • Reinforcing steel in concrete structures

  • Heat exchangers

  • Marine structures such as docks and piers

  • Sheet pile walls

  • Other metallic structures

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